Cycling as a family
Emanuel doesn’t have many physical activities that he likes, but cycling is one of the rare activities that the family does not mind doing together. The only obstacle was his preference for night cycling per his favorite refrain, “i don’t like to sweat” couple with his reluctance to travel the same route twice as “it’s boring”. And so it was with great joy that the family went on our cycling trip at East Coast Park during the school holidays!
We parked our car at the carpark nearest the East Coast Park Food Centre and got our rental bikes for 3 hours, with the intention to cycle an hour to Changi Terminal 4, spend an hour there for breakfast followed by another hour’s cycle back!
We all chose our “trusty steads” for the ride, with Emanuel opting for a 3 wheeled contraption as it offers “stability and speed” according to him. As it was our first time cycling to Changi and the morning was getting hotter (the original intent was to start early at 6ish, cycle in the cool morning breeze, have breakfast and back before the sun had time to warm up!), we went at a brisk pace to enjoy the wind on our faces.
It was a pretty quiet ride (weekday of the school holidays) and we practically had the entire route all to ourselves to enjoy. An uneventful hour later, we reach Hub and Spoke where we enjoyed a well deserved breakfast and rest! After a sumptuous breakfast, we were on our way back to East Coast Park, abeit at a much slower pace due to all the food still not settling down in our tummies!
We have not had a physical activity together as a family for sometime before this, hence although our bodies were tired, mentally we were refreshed as a family and we all agreed that we will do this sometime in the near future again, but this time, we’ll attempt a night cycling with dinner at Changi Terminal 3!